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TrashAlias Docs
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TrashAlias 1.0 is a freeware system extension for System 7. In System 7, users can
create multiple desktop icons to represent a single document, application, or folder. One
represents the actual original, but the others, called aliases, just point to it. This feature, for
example, allows a user to keep an application located within one folder, but be able launch it by
double-clicking on its alias from another location, such as the desktop. The alias is actually a
separate file created and maintained by the Finder. However, if a user deletes the original file,
the alias file still remains. TrashAlias remedies this problem by automatically deleting any
alias files associated with a file (or folder) when it is deleted.
TrashAlias runs only on Macintoshes with at least some features of System 7 installed. It
will beep and not install any of its patches if any of these features are not present.
To install it, drag TrashAlias to the System folder icon and click OK to the dialog that
appears or drag it directly into the Extensions folder. TrashAlias provides balloon help for
its icon in the Extensions folder.
TrashAlias does its work on alias files created and deleted in the Finder only. When it is
loaded for the first time, it creates a file called “TrashAlias List” in the Preferences folder.
TrashAlias records information about new aliases files when they are created after the user
has chosen “Make Alias” from the File menu in the Finder. The list is limited to a maximum of
100 aliases records. After this time, the list is rotated; that is, items are removed from the
list on a first in first out basis. The list is also updated whenever an item in it, either an alias
or a parent file, is emptied from the Trash. However, TrashAlias cannot keep track of
aliases that are moved from the volume they were created on; nor can help with alias files
orphaned before TrashAlias was installed.
To disable TrashAlias from loading at startup, hold down the tab key.
Distribution of TrashAlias must be accompanied with this documentation.
TrashAlias comes from
Maurice Volaski
Internet: volaski@contra.med.buffalo.edu
Address: 173 Princeton Ave. Apt #2, Amherst, NY 14226-5006